BBQ Oven Plate

The BBQ Oven Plate turns your conventional oven into a confectioner oven to make scrumptious desserts. Item #: 24165

Stainless Sausage Grilling Basket

Our Stainless Sausage Grilling Basket has Rosewood handles, holds up to 6 sausages, and is easily adjusted for height. Item #: 24111

Stainless Rectangle Flexi Grilling Basket

The Stainless Rectangle Flexi Grilling Basket has a flexible wire that expands to fit the shape of your food. It is great for chicken, fish, and vegetables. Item #: 24109

Soft Grip Handle Spatula

This red, Soft Grip Handle Spatula has a longer handle that allows for easy retrieval of food from the grill and comfortable, easy grip. Item #: 24217